WP Number: WP2
Tittle: Grape and wine composition for quality and authenticity
WP Leading Partner: Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Visiting Researcher:
Name: Vasiliki Thanasi
Position: PhD student (ESR)
Home Institution, country: Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Host Institution: Bodegas Roda SA, La Rioja, Spain
Scientific contact person at the institution: Esperanza Tomas
Mobility period: From 01/06/2022, to 30/06/2022
To explore the potential of different analytical techniques, especially those based on IRTo explore the potential of different analytical techniques, especially those based on IRspectroscopy, for monitoring grape and wine quality. More specifically, gaining some handsonexperience with FTIR equipment and learning on the spectra interpretation.
Tasks :
Collect FTIR spectra of different wines and develop capacities on their interpretation.
Deliverables (expected) :
D2.3 Report of results obtained from the chemical and sensorial analyses.D2.4 Report on Analytical tools for wine authenticity assessment.