WP Number: WP1
Tittle: Use of abscisis acid (ABA) to mitigate the consequences of global warming on fruit composition in table grapes CV Italia and Red Globe
WP Leading Partner: Vittorino Novello (UNITO
Visiting Researcher:
Name: Inés de Rosas
Position: Adjunct Professor in Plant Physiology
Home Institution, country: UNCUYO, Argentina
Host Institution: Universitá degli studi di Palermo, Sicily (UNIPA)
Scientific contact person at the institution: Prof. Antonino Pisciotta
Mobility period: 01/03/2022 to 31/07/2022
Assess the effects of ABA on grape berry anthocyanin profile and others polyphenols content in two table grapes cvs. Red Globe and Italia cultured at field condition in Sicily, Italy in order to mitigate the negative impact of climate change in grapes color and other characteristics. Associate the phenolic profile variation and the gene expression analysis in control vs treated grape berries.
Tasks :
ABA was sprayed in grape berries of two table grapes cvs. Red Globe and Italia cvs. cultured in a commercial vineyard located in Sicily, Italy, in 2022. The experimental design consisted of completely randomized blocks of seven plants each including four replicates. On each block, 3 plants were chosen for the ABA or control treatments, with two plants as borders.
Berries samples were taken after each spray of ABA and in harvest. Concentration of anthocyanin, tanins and flavonols was assessed on these samples in both cultivar in order to determine their phenolic profile along with other grape berry parameters.
Gene expression profile of the transcription factors VvMYBA1 and enzymes of the phenylpropanoid pathway (VvUFGT, Vv3AT) berry hexose transporters (VvHT1-VvHT6), berry sucrose transporters (VvSUC11 y VvSUC12) and two key genes involved in the aromatic pathway will be assessed on the berries collected on 2022, from véraison to harvest.
Deliverables (expected):
Use of ABA as practical tools to produce high-quality table grapes in Sicily, a viticulture región affected by climate change.