WP Number: WP1
Tittle: Vine adaptation to climate changes (Research, transfer of knowledge)
WP Leading Partner: UNITO
Visiting Researcher:
Name: Javier Tello
Position: Scientific Researcher
Home Institution, country: Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y del Vino (ICVV), Spain
Host Institution: IBAM (UNCUYO-CONICET), Argentina
Scientific contact person at the institution: Dr Diego Lijaveztky
Mobility period: 09/08/2023 to 23/09/2023
The main objective of this secondment is the analysis of the phenotypic variation available for different reproductive traits in a set of clones of cv. ‘Malbec’, applying image-based phenotyping systems.
Tasks :
During this secondment, I will assist in the characterization of the genetic variation within a set of cv. ‘Malbec’ clones, focusing on reproductive traits. To this main objective, the next tasks will be done:
- Evaluation and study of the phenotypic diversity available for different reproductive traits in a collection of cv. ‘Malbec’ clones with contrasting agronomic performance.
- Design, testing, and validation of an image-based phenotyping system to assist in the characterization of some grapevine-related traits, tailored to cv. ‘Malbec’ characteristics.
- Data integration and analysis to determine the main factor(s) affecting cv. ‘Malbec’ reproductive performance, and comparison with data from the Spanish cultivar ‘Tempranillo’.
Deliverables (expected):
- Description of the phenotypic diversity of a set of clones of cv. ‘Malbec’ for different reproductive traits. Image-based tool for the high-throughput phenotyping of traits related to grapevine reproductive performance. Comparison with cv. ‘Tempranillo’ data.